You probably already know this, but Amazon Canada is a real treasure trove for practical products. Packed with pages upon pages of useful thingamabobs for your car, kitchen, and beyond, you’re sure to find something worth dusting off your credit card for. If you love useful things, but don’t want to spend your precious time sifting through the good, the bad, and the ugly, we’ve got your back. Whether you’re looking to tidy up your broom closet, keep your flyaways from ruining your slicked-back bun, or prep ingredients without breaking a sweat, you’re guaranteed to find something worth clicking “Add to Cart” on.
Sign up for an Amazon Prime account if Amazon Canada is your go-to site for shopping. It costs $99 a year (plus tax), but students can get it for only $49 (plus tax). If you’ve never tried it out, you can sign up for a 30-day trial period.