The perpetrators of a “complex shoplifting scheme” that purportedly involved “the use of devices to block security alarm systems,” have pleaded guilty and will be deported, according to Surrey RCMP.
Police announced the arrests of 51-year-old Nicoleta Rusu and 39-year-old Emil Marian Stan in the shoplifting scheme earlier this year.
The pair was accused of $53,000 worth of “high-value retail thefts,” with the items taken including “high-end fragrances and athletic clothing.” The thefts took place over a six-month period in Surrey, Langley and Abbotsford, Mounties said at the time.
On Tuesday, Surrey RCMP announced that the suspects had pleaded guilty to various charges they were facing.
Stan was convicted of seven counts of theft under $5,000, two counts of theft over $5,000 and one count of possession of stolen property over $5,000.
Rusu was convicted of two counts of theft under $5,000, two counts of theft over $5,000 and one count of possession of stolen property over $5,000, according to police.
Mounties said the pair will be deported after serving their sentence, but did not say to which country or countries the thieves would be sent. Asked for clarification, Surrey RCMP told CTV News they are “not able to share” the shoplifters’ country of origin.
The detachment’s news release described Stan and Rusu as Ontario residents.
Mounties were also unable to say how long the thieves would be in prison, telling CTV News “the final calculation on length of conviction is still with the courts.”
“Stan and Rusu have been held to account for their criminal actions, with the loss of their freedom and the opportunity to reside in Canada,” said Staff Sgt. Nigel Pronger, commander of Surrey RCMP’s North Community Response Unit.
“Their fate serves as a warning to those who wish to profit through crime. Surrey RCMP works closely with our retail partners and police agencies across B.C. and Canada to ensure our retail spaces are safe places for both staff and customers. We will continue our work in preventing retail theft as part of our crime reduction strategy.”