October 28, 2024
This week, channel dedication into your purpose and career. Are you directing your energy toward materializing your deepest dreams? It feels like you’re finally arriving at your destination, with Pluto tying up loose ends in your subconscious mind. The end of the week may get rocky, but it will bring passion to your links. Use it to refresh your agreements and relationships.
October 21, 2024
Responsibility and control will be on your mind (and your lips) all month. Scorpio awakens your need to shine and leave a legacy: through your work or the image you’ve curated for the public. With Pluto re-entering your sign in late November, get ready for a new era of elevation. Scorpio season is sure to reveal the power you hold and inspire transformative changes.
October 14, 2024
Your day-to-day life may be under pressure with this week’s intense full moon. Like a pot of boiling water you forgot, your pile of work, emails to reply to and mini tasks are now overflowing. Venus offers guidance on what priorities should take precedence, mainly asking you to find where joy lies on that to-do list. It’s easier when your heart’s in it, Aquarius!
October 7, 2024
This week, blessings could flow into your cup like a productivity-boosting smoothie. Your routines benefit from that delicious efficiency, oddly on time for a career chess move. However, a creative endeavour might bring on some brain fog, making you question your desire to create or share it with the world. Slowly sip back on your go-go juice and let news ideas pour in.