In 2017, Davidoff introduced the Travel Humidor, a soft bag that could hold up to eight cigars. The company has updated the design and is adding three new colorways, the first of which will go on sale later this month.
The Davidoff Travel Humidor Explorer is the first of these new versions; a press release says Business and Urban colorways will be introduced between now and early 2025. The Explorer uses many of the design elements as the original version, however, Davidoff has updated how the bag works. There are now adjustable straps instead of magnetic closure. There are two zippered pockets: one that stores the cigar tray and another smaller pocket; the original version didn’t have any zippers.
Inside the case is a soft tray that can hold up to eight cigars. While the tray cannot be manually adjusted, the design means that the separator will adjust to the cigars placed inside.
Each unit comes with a Boveda pack, which Davidoff says should allow for cigars to be stored for up to 45 days.
“Our new Travel Humidors take design innovation to a next level, allowing aficionados to choose a piece that suits not only their cigar needs, but also their own preferences and style,” said Edward Simon, cmo of Oettinger Davidoff AG, in a press release. “While the humidor’s primary purpose is to safely transport cigars to their destination, it is also a true statement piece for the traveller.”
Pricing has not been announced. It will go on sale on July 18.